This workshop is being offered virtually (to keep everybody safe during the pandemic) through Sylvan Starlight Creations, a lovely art gallery and creative space.
You can join from the comfort of your own home and it is only $35.
To Register, click HERE
Please note: The time for the workshop is 3-5pm EST. If you are on the west coast, tis is 12-2pm. You can take a long lunch to make a vision collage.
What is a Vision collage?
What is a vision collage? It is just as it sounds- a collage of your vision. It is a visual representation of what you would like to live your way into. It can be as literal and/or non-literal as you would like. It may be very specific (ex: a new job, romantic partner, freedom from addictive behaviors), how you would like to feel (ex: safe, loved, free from anxiety), or larger intentions (ex: be of service to those that are suffering, help decrease global warming, cultivate humility around becoming more antiracist, bring peaceful energy to my home and work life through daily meditation).
Sometimes people say to me:
"But I could make a collage on my own."
To which I reply:
"But will you really create the time and space to do this or will busy-ness, fear,
procrastination, and other obstacles get in the way?"
In this workshop, you will not only make a collage and create a poem from your collage to give you guidance for the year ahead.
Register early, as space is limited and this workshop fills quickly.
This workshop is being offered virtually through Sylvan Starlight Creations, an art gallery, fine art shop, and home for creative classes in Pittsford, New York. You will supply your own posterboard, magazines to cut, scissors, and glue.
Due to it being held virtually, the cost is low! $35
To register click HERE
For More Information:
Call or email
(415) 335-2596