Soul Collage® Workshops
Beginning in February, 2020, Dr. Linda will be offering a series of SoulCollage® workshops.
Corona Virus Update: This workshop is now open to anyone interested in soulcollage, and will be held virtually by Zoom.
We will focus on the topic of Healing:
What does healing look like for you, your family, your community, the world?
You do NOT have to “be artistic” or “be an artist” to participate. All collage art materials will be supplied (Update: You will need to provide your own supplies, as this snow being offered virtually. Please gather magazines or other images, scissors, glue, and a 5 x 7 cardstock card. You can order these through the soulcollage website, should you choose to. Soulcollage.com )
What is SoulCollage® ?
SoulCollage® is a collage process in which you collage cards for different aspects of your multifaceted Self. In SoulCollage® you make your own deck of cards - each collage card representing one aspect of your Self. There are different “suites” in this deck of cards that represent different aspects of your self. One suite consist of all the psychological aspects of yourself (ex your “perfectionist,” your “addict self,” your “inner child”), another all the members of your community (ex your family members, pets, recovery or spiritual community, mentors), another the different animal guides unique to you, and another the archetypes (ex the Great Mother, the Wounded Healer, the Trickster) that influence us all. The collaged cards can then be used to answer life questions and receive an intuitive response from different parts of your Self.
For More Information/To Register for the Workshop:
Email or call Dr Linda Linda@DrLindaShanti.com 415-335-2596
Please note: The time of the workshop is 5-7pm EST (This is 2-4pm Pacific time)